The shoemaker's children

You’ve heard the expression that the snowmakers children always go barefoot. This expression simply means that often those closest to a person don't benefit from the person's expertise. In our case it means that we in fact do not spend enough time on our own marketing. I have firmly over the last two years made absolutely certain to at LEAST once a month set aside time to focus on HM&D.

Here I sit though, desperately grasping for the words to put down so that I may jump back into client work.

We in Design and Marketing are responsible for our business clients in all areas applicable to their success, as well as the success of our enterprise. But who markets us? The answer, of course, is that we must not overlook ourselves, especially when it comes to areas like personal development and online marketing.

I am on-the-fly writing and have come to the conclusion that the best way to use this post to market success for HM&D is to just update you on what we’ve been accomplishing. As most of these projects complete they will get their own posts but hey, a status update would do us all good.

Let’s talk projects then:

  • 34 business Social Media Accounts that are managed at varying schedules

  • Building 5 Website in different Platforms

  • Creating 2 Events for the Holiday season

  • Webmaster to 12 websites

  • Designing 3 Logos

  • Designing 4 brochures and three sales packets

  • Creating 4 monthly Email Newsletters

  • Designing Digital and Print Ads for 4 businesses regularly

  • Negotiating Billboard and Radio prices and spots

  • Creating 1 Direct Mail Campaign Strategy

  • Being Available for over 100 clients should they call with questions or wanting consulting assistance

  • Attending an average of 3 meetings a week

  • And probably a ton of other things that I am completely missing

The point is we are busy, as a matter of fact I love when people ask me how business is, the conversation goes exactly like this… verbatim.

“How’s Business going?”

“Amazing! So Busy, like crazy, insane busy, all hands on deck, working all the hours busy.”

“Well that’s a good problem to have!”

This is typically proceeded with me laughing and trying not to hand out any Captain Obvious ribbons to their deserving recipients. Yes, we are so busy, we are busy because when we should be making ourselves shoes, we are in fact fixing yours, and that will ALWAYS be how we do things here.

While I did have some breathing space today I am glad that I managed to get an update out there and let you know that YES, we are alive and well, just too busy to focus on ourselves, like the shoemakers.

jennifer LlerasMarketing