Client Spotlight: Doulas of Carroll County

Each yeah HM&D assists 2-3 non-profits at no charge for the year with their graphic/web design and marketing needs completely free! In the past we’ve worked with MCQE Mobile Pet Pantry, Churches, and our favorite non-profit: The Hampstead little Free Pantry!

Our favorite project each year is helping the Little Free Pantry, with their partners on the event: Pipe the Side brewing and NCCP, do the “Not Quite a 1K” fundraiser. We design flyers for the event, graphics for social media, light marketing assistance, and the Sponsor T-Shirt!

Last year because some of the sponsors did not have professional logos, we were able to easily make those connections, help them out, and make new clients in the process! This is the wonderful thing about helping when we’re able, it always presents us with opportunists to grow.

Without further ado, the Doulas of Carroll County logo:

DCC Logo Final-01.jpg

We have a lot of spiritual clients, or clients in the niche market of spirituality and wellness services, not to mention it’s also a part of our lifestyle here! When the opportunity presented itself to help the Doulas of Carroll County, we were so excited to be able to get creative with planet imagery, babies, and the beauty of life and pregnancy, it really is an honor.

The final logo is a beautiful graphic of a mothers arms wrapping around the belly as a galaxy holding the baby, and the cycles of the moon enclosing them. We loved using this font, not just because it’s one of our favorites but because the “O” really mimics the moon shape and draws the eye down, it feels right.

And because we’ve heard that you really like to see the pictures of the logo rounds and their process, here are some of the logos that did not make the cut:

DCC Logo-01.png

You’ll notice round one of logos that number four and number 3 were combined to give us the final version. If you’ve never had a logo designed or designed a log, this is pretty much the norm, combining ideas and giving birth to (yes, pun intended) final designs.

As always we like to wrap up our blog post with asking you to visit the client site if you are interesting in learning more about Carroll County Doulas, and if you are seeking out an excellent logo design from someone who cares, just reach out to us at

jennifer Lleras