Don't @Me. Hire Me!


If you missed our third free small business webinar: Don’t @Me. Hire Me: How educating your audience can grow your small business, then fear not, we have the materials right here for you to review on your own time. We discussed a lot, but what we wanted everyone to walk away with was:

  • Understanding customer education

  • Understanding the difference between customer education and marketing

  • Learning the benefits of educating your customer base

  • Learning new and exciting ways to educate your customers and how it will grow business

Before we really dove into customer/client education we discussed the common misconceptions surrounding consumer education, like the fear that a customer will learn too much and do it themselves instead of hiring you, which in almost all cases is NOT true.

We went over the differences between customer education and marketing and how/why you should be teaching about your products and services.

We wrapped up with an in depth discussion on the following educational strategies that work:

  • Social Media Posts

  • Blogs

  • Videos

  • Infographics

  • Webinars

  • Workshops

If you missed the live version, feel free to watch it and use the power point that we used as a resource! Thank you again for everyone that joined us and for those that will use this information later to better their businesses and help their client funnels fill up and grow!

jennifer Lleras