Small business Social Media Services in Carroll County

Can we talk social media for a second? I will wait for all the anti-social (pun intended) folks to click away now.

Social media is NOT for everyone, but if you’re running a small business, especially in a county like Carroll where we just don’t have the population numbers working in our favorite like the more populated areas, you need it.


Typically most businesses understand that its a necessary evil, they reach out to us and other agencies or social media experts to take it over, because who has the time for that right?

As an agency we don’t typically boast about our social media clients, we want to stay hidden in the background so that you can feel like who you’re interacting with is the company and that their responses are genuine, but we do want to take a minute to highlight the amazing clients that utilize us for this service and to share with you that we provide it, because honestly it’s one of our favorite things to do and we think we are really good at it!

Social media takes finesse, its all about understanding your audience, your market, and creating quality content, those are our three pillars to success. We could write a book on how important it is for small business to have a social media presence, but for the sake of time we think the best way to look at it is:

People are spending more and more time on their phones, and a lot of that time is spent on social media apps. We also know that social media users regularly interact with companies they are interested in or already do business with. So not only is social media free, but your customers and prospects are already there waiting to hear from you.

There are a few things that set HM&D aside from all the other players in the social game, we:

  • manage Community groups that help the community and give our clients a voice directly to those locals

  • we monitor Facebook with macros and are able to respond to requests for recommendation requests

  • We have the design and content creation background to make your posts stand out for no extra charge

  • we have been in the social game since its infancy

We could go on but no one likes a bragger.

So we did want to shout out some of our favorite wonderful monthly social media clients and thank them for trusting us with the online voice of their company.

Baltimore Sports Clinic

Gingerich Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning

Gingerich Outdoor Supply

OC Renovations

Eldersburg Renovations


BBR Softtwashing

Peace Mountain Theatre Company

Rooted in Nature

R&G Water Systems

The Natural Aesthetic

Pin It Up Acupuncture

A-Town Bar & Grille

CJ Miller

Main Street Beautique

Shipley’s Diamonds and Fine Jewelry

and more!

We assist our clients with social media in some capacity whether it be total control and posting regularly, to answer messages, to searching for leads and running ads. It’s something we love to do and are proud to be able to help with. We suggest you go give a few of these folks a like and check out the awesome content they are sharing with the community!

If your small business is in need of social media marketing or content creation, we can always accept new client’s and discuss how to make your social work for you!

jennifer Lleras