Client Spotlight: Belle Aesthetics of York, PA!

Belle Aesthetics has been an ongoing Marketing client for several years. As with many clients they came to us with a website already, and as with many clients they had chosen to allow a niche marketing company to manage their website when they first got started. There are niche website design companies for real-estate, medical professionals, lawyers, etc.. These particular companies choose to create template websites in third party systems of their creation that are geared and specialized in just that sector. This usually appeals to the companies because they are finding someone who is an “expert” in their field.

The problem with each and every one of these companies is, they charge a very high “hosting and maintenance fee” and they typically will not give you your website or allow anyone to access to make changes, like… ever.

So very often I find myself stuck trying to help clients with website changes, likewise, they also run into issues with these companies charging them thousands of dollars for “website hosting and maintenance” without actually providing much beyond hosting.

Because of the nature of some of these companies holding hostage our clients websites we sometimes come to a rock and a hard place where starting over makes sense. This is the4 case with Belle Aesthetics, who we recently re-designed their website for and also added some functions that make updates easier and smoother, as well as gave it a bit of a more professional look and feel.

Our biggest achievement with this re-design is that now that we have control we have access to the background SEO and are able to ensure that all of the services that make this med-spa so unique and important are now brought to the forefront! I am expecting their organic search to become much better over the next few months due to this.

Check out the new design and layout of the same great belle Aesthetics med spa in York, PA. right Here.

jennifer Lleras