Graphic Design Spotlight: Maryland Summerfest Logo and Map Design

We hate to admit this but we do have favorite clients.

There’s something about those clients who come back time after time, with fun and exciting projects, and don’t complain or request anything crazy, they actually want you to be creative….

They do exist you know! -and we have a few.

One of our all time favorite clients just so happens to be Maryland Summerfest of Carroll County. Each year this music festival takes place in Westminster, MD in Carroll County and it’s. A. Blast. Each year they also come to Hampstead Marketing and Design for their Logo and graphic design needs, and we are so incredibly happy to oblige.

In fact we also sponsor the event, and are so happy to do so. This years logo is in fact our favorite from over the years, mostly because as a graphic design and a Marylander, I have an affectionate relationship with out state flag. It is a well known fact that Maryland has the best flag in the United States, which takes it’s design from a mixture of the two prominent family’s of early Maryland crests. Without further ado:

Maryland logo Design

The logo for 2022 was a mixture of Maryland, the Maryland State Flag, a rising sun and digital music levels. To say we are smitten and proud of this particular logo is an understatement, it’s quite perfect in our eyes.

Not only do we get to design the logo, but there are some pretty fun flyers and social media images that should be mentioned. So fun, we dig this years beachy style so much.

and the pièce de résistance! The map. We designed the original Map the first year of this event because the Carroll County's Farm Museum did not have one. We were able to do the most fun illustrated Map design that we are continuing to use through the years, and it just graphic design magic.

carroll county, md graphic design

Yes, drink it in. It is amazing, we know.

We thank MD Summerfest for being such an amazing repeat customer, and for always giving us something creative to look forward to each year.

If you are in need of graphic design services or logo creation, Hampstead Marketing and Design has you covered, we also work with two local printers as partners to help you keep your design and printing small in local if you desire. You can schedule a meeting about logo or graphic design for your Maryland Small business by calling us at 410-236-4105 or email at