Client Spotlight: Path to Peace Wellness
We were so fortunate to have worked with Emma Davis with Path to Peace Wellness in Westminster recently. Emma reached out to us at HM&D because she was currently working with another company and was no happy with her results and decided to switch before she got in too deep.
Emma and Path to Peace Wellness had an existing logo and website but were looking to rebrand and to also add more functionality and features to their website.
We started with logo design and just like with most established small businesses we had the challenge of designing a logo that incorporated A LOT of elements. While we’re taught in design that a more simplistic is better, but often our “better” isn’t what’s best for the client. For many small businesses and people their logo has to tell a story that they want told in a direct way that is easy to understand.
It’s important to us to give a client things that they can be proud to show the world and to represent their businesses and themselves.
For Path to Peace we wanted to incorporate the following into the logo:
Infinity Symbol
Above you’ll see our first round pass, the previous logo featured a tree and so we incorporated that with a path. Unfortunately this completely missed the mark with the client. After round one we tried to nix the tree imagery all together and came up with another set of 9 logos.
From the above round we decided to take the Bird that is merged with the infinity symbol from option 3 and fuse that with the golden circle from option number 5. Then our directive was to incorporate the path and lose the flowers, but to replace those with a branch.
Our last round brought us to a very close final logo and we did make several tweaks to this one to finish off with EXACTLY what the client wanted!
Once a logo was finalized for Path to Peace it was time to tackle the much larger job of the website design. The previous website did not feature a normal navigation and was lacking any proper SEO. The previous layout was antiquated and the layout was a bit hard to navigate.
We took the ideas that we learned from working with PTP on their logo and suggested using large images that were light and hopeful and also incorporate nature. We also suggested adding a complex navigation and including SEO rich pages for each service that would help the new site show up quickly in organic searches going forward.
Above is the final product of the website design we completed for the final website is clean and light, has a complex navigation and lots of great content that will help Path to Peace reach the top of search for therapists in Westminster, MD.
We are proud to help all our local clients with their website design and marketing needs, we know what a difference it can make. If you are in need of graphic design, website design, and marketing in Carroll County, MD or anywhere we can help! Contact Hampstead Marketing and Design at or at 410-236-4105.